Thursday, June 14, 2012

I'm finally 18, muthafukas! Since I'm celebrating it over the course of this week, I'm going to blog about it only after I'm done. I think, if I'm not feeling lazy. Which is most of the time.

Oh well. 

I recently caught two movies. Prometheus and Snow White and the Huntsmen. 

Prometheus was good, the effects were cool, and there were aliens (you know, the Alien from Alien vs Predator) which is always good, even if it's just for a split second. Charlize Theron was hot, as usual, playing a mean bitch. The captain was DA PIMP. "You know, if you want to get laid, you could just say it." Who else can get laid for saying something this douche-y? As for the rest of the characters, I didn't care much about them, very little character development. But I heard there is going to be a part 2(maybe 3?) so maybe I'll like the lead girl more. I hope we get to see the Aliens more, their tails are cool as fuck. The operation scene was awesome, props to the character for not bursting out into tears like a little bitch like I would if i was ever in that situation. The so called 'creators of humans' in this movie looked like giant, buff, albino monks, don't know much about them so I shall wait for the next movie. Do take in to consideration that I've only watched AvP so I don't know much about this franchise.


Snow White and the Huntsman. Well, what can I say? I'm glad I didn't have to pay for this movie(Thanks to Alvin Ong and Sandeep!). The trailer made it look so dark and epic, nothing like the fairy-tale, turns out like the fairy-tale. Well, not the Disney version, that shit is just happy for me. The other version, ok, actually there are a lot of versions. Pick one. There was barely and blood shown, at least for my standards. Chris Hemsworth is just so dreamy, love his accent. Charlize Theron is also in this, also hot, so I don't know how Kristen Stewart can be 'fairer' than her. When the mirror guy/thing said : 'There is one that came of age that is fairer than you, Snow White.' I was just like:
is fairer than this:
Not that Kristen Stewart isn't pretty, I think she is really, really pretty. Also, she looks so much better with her hair tied back in the movie. Look, here a pretty picture of her:
But Charlize Theron is gorgeous, and she looks so good for her age. Jealous. Anyway, it's a movie I'll probably forget in time.
