Monday, October 31, 2011

It's Halloween!!! Sadly, it's not widely celebrated in Singapore. I feel like I'm missing out on a lot here. Free candy, awesome costumes, what's not to love? Yet, I've never celebrated it, not even once. The only holiday that is celebrated in my house was the Chinese New Year. Hell, we don't celebrate birthdays either. I doubt my mum knows my age. Come to think of it, she probably doesn't. Ah well. My childhood is so different from other kids, maybe that's why I'm forever childish. I've never heard of most of the Disney princesses/stories till I was around 10 years old. I grew up reading encyclopedias. Seriously, encyclopedias. That's all my mum bought for me. Luckily, I found them interesting. I also never knew about Santa Claus, Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy until I was 10. Looks like my parents didn't bother to lie to me.

I was supposed to bitch about something/someone today, but I feel like it's a waste of my time(I'm not trying to be bitchy here, I'm just naturally bitchy.). I'll say this though, the things that happened or is happening to you, it happens for a reason. It may be partially my fault, but you are just as guilty. Suck it up and be a nicer, better, genuine, out-going person and maybe shit will stop happening to you.

I'm so childish and bitchy at times, I can't stand myself. Oh well, I guess I'll see you guys in hell when I die eh? What? You think you are not going to hell? HAHHAHAH

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sometimes I wonder why I feel the need to be so bitchy all the time. It's shocking even to me the extend of bitchy-ness I give to everyone.  Ah well, at least I still have friends and people still like me. And yes, that was a jab at a certain someone. Seemingly emo post? Check. Very vague insults targeting someone in particular? Check. Not mentioning names when giving said insult? Check. YAY! I now blog like a 13 year old angsty bitch. It's truly an honor receiving this award. See? I don't see why I always say things like that. Oh well, maybe it's part of appealing personality and charm. Are you gagging? I hope not, or I'm sorry to inform you that you have a chronic disease called inability-to-catch-that-it's-actually-sarcasm-ism. If you have that fatal disease, please talk to your family doctor immediately.

Anyway, I got a Youtube channel now. So I am shamelessly promoting it here, even though I don't have any loyal readers or any good videos. I do covers of songs that I can actually hit every note and sadly, it's not many. Go check it out if you have the time. All three of you who actually read this. Link is at the side.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Watch the 'Three Musketeers' yesterday, definitely worth the money. It was funny, has lots of action sequences, awesome leather clothing, and good looking guys. Yes, that is a criteria. What can I say? I'm a superficial, shallow bitch. Logan Lerman is hot. I use to think he is just cute, because he does look cute in 'Percy Jackson' , not hot. In this movie though, hot. Not liking his hair though. The three main guys are funny, but I love the servant, so adorable. I'm on the fence on Orlando Bloom's character, he appears way to little in the movie, but since the character is gay(I think), I'll assume I like him. Milla Jovovich is awesome, so is her character. Money is more important to her than love, and she trust only herself. I approve. But she is sort of soft-hearted. Some parts of the movie is kind of awkward, but just look at the ht guys and all will be fine. But overall, it reminds me of 'Pirates of the Caribbeans', but not as good. The end of the movie suggests that there will be a sequel, and I look forward to it.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Having my friends in different schools is so hard for me. First of all, the JC students have a different schedule from me, who is from a Polytechnic. Our holidays do not coincide, making it hard for us to meet up. They have exams when I'm having my holidays and vice-versa. Not to mention the fact that I have a friend in Lasalle, whose schedule is also different from the rest of us. Luckily, my poly friends are awesome. If poly was like secondary school all over, I'll be dead by now.

That reminds me, I do not like a few of my current teachers. One, I just didn't like him because he reminds me of a certain teacher I had that I hate to the core. He seems less unlikable, but because I'm a unreasonable, PMSing, angsty bitch, I'm going to dislike him. Hey, at least I don't hate him. But oh, I COMPLETELY hate this teacher of mine. Hopefully I can survive the semester. If I get a A for that module, I'll be like : 'SEE THAT BITCH? IN YOUR FACE!' Oh my, how bitchy I get sometimes. Ahem, I meant most of the time.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I recently just starting school again and I'm not enjoying it. I know, the purpose of school is to learn not to play, but still. People are going to stress themselves out if they don't relax once in a while. I think people get so caught up trying to work hard for a good life for themselves and their family that they lose sight of what they want. Yes, you have to work hard to get a good life, but working non-stop is not a good life. I  feel like people nowadays need to balance work and personal time. I know I'm probably not the best person to say that, since all I do is relax, but hey, I'm a happy person. If I die tomorrow, I won't die regretting spending all my time on work/studies. Sure, I'll be regretting not doing a lot of things that I wanted but didn't do, but not everyone dies with a empty bucket list. Also, I don't think I'll ever complete my bucket list. Unless someone has a unicorn to spare. The reason why I relax so much is because I love my friends too much, I love spending time with them, talking/bullshitting. No one likes to hang out with a person that talk about studies/work non-stop, unless it's gossip. Ok, I know you are not buying it. So yes, the other reason is because I'm a lazy fucker. I'm not ashamed though, what's wrong with me being lazy? I'm not the only one, or even close to being the laziest one.

I'm also taking Computer Programming this semester(Boy do I know how to get off topic.). I don't have a good feeling about it. I barely know how to operate a computer and they want me to program it? Bitch, the best I can give you it a blank screen. Hey, at least its functioning. Also, Goods Manufacturing Process. I will have to prepare myself to eat the entire book. Hopefully, I can still maintain my grades. If not, I'm either going on a killing spree, or I'm going to a eating contest.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm obsessed with Tumblr. It's a good thing, I guess? The people there are so nice and awesome.  I have a  feeling it's going to affect my studies though. Ah well, I'll fix it when I get to that point. It's not like my studies aren't in the pits already.

Short Stack recently released their 'Bang Bang Sexy' video! They all look hot, as per normal. The girls they chose from Australia's next top model to do the cage fight scene were perfect. Sexy as hell. I'm not going to watch that season just in case I hate both of them, I don't want to ruin the image I have of the video. As expected, the video got quite a lot of hate from the older fans. I get it, their music style changed, and you don't like it. But hating on them and saying things like 'I prefer the old Short Stack!' or ' They've gone so mainstream.' isn't going to make them switch back to their old style. If they love making that kind of music, why stop them? They should be doing whatever they like, not something they don't like just to suit the fans. To the fans that keep saying the statements stated above, I've been there before. Trust me, it gets tiring. Bands are going to keep evolving/growing whether you like it or not. I also don't see what is so bad about going mainstream. They want to make money, is that wrong? I mean, it's their job, they make a living out of it. Being 'underground' doesn't bring in much, you know.

I don't know why, but I see of fans who supported them from the beginning bashing the new fans. Why? shouldn't you guys be welcoming us with open arms? I hate it when a part of a fandom is overly aggressive. I know most fans are extremely nice people, but it's the aggressive bunch that piss the hell out of me. It's not just the Short Stack fans, I'm talking about all the fandoms. Aren't we supposed to be like a family?

Ugh, I sound like a broken record. I know my previous posts are mostly along the same line, but I just don't understand the need to hate so much.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I was just looking through my favourite videos on YouTube and I realised that out of all the videos I favourite, 70% of them are comedy,10% music, 10% horror and The last 10% is miscellaneous. It seem like I like comedy a lot. That got me thinking, maybe that's the reason I take everything so lightly. It's a good thing, I guess. Because of this, I don't blindly hate things or people any more. Nowadays, if I start to dislike something or someone, I just shrug it off. Don't get me wrong, I'm still bitchy, but I'm no longer a hater. I just make fun of things and people I don't really like,  but I make sure it isn't overboard. If you are offended, you are too uptight.   That got me thinking about how my class seems to think I'm mature. Maybe that's the reason why? I'm not sure, but it amuses me. I think I'm far from mature. I may look like it, but I'm just a kid in my mind. I plan ahead ,I'm always realistic(a bit too much) and I look like I see the big picture, but it's because I'm a bit of a pessimist. I'm a optimist at heart, but I look at what's happening in the world and I lose hope.  But hey, being a pessimist means I can only be pleasantly surprised! Maybe that's why so many parents don't want their children to dream  of being a musician or artist. Most adults are pessimist. We live in a sad world.


 Philosoraptor - Iron man (FE) MALE?

Philosoraptor - IF GUNS don't kill people, people kill people does that mean that toasters don't toast toast, toast toast toast?


 - I Thought

Philosoraptor - If heat rises why isn't heaven hotter than hell?

This post could go one forever, I should stop now.