I am so ashamed to be a human being sometimes. There is so much good in this world, but when I see things like this video: Click here. , I just want to hit them in the face. If you haven't heard, this WestBoro Baptist Church(WBC) is basically a bunch of crazy haters who call themselves 'Christians'. Really. They say they hate 'fags' and they protest at military funerals because 'God hates America' because Americans do not follow 'God's word'. In other words, they are exactly the kind of 'Christians' that make people think that the stereotypical Christians are people who shove there beliefs down other people's throat and hates gays. That is NOT what Christianity is about. I may not be Christian, but I know Christians are suppose to preach LOVE, not HATE. I am amazed at how hateful they are, saying things like 'Thank God for dead soldiers' and 'Thank god for 9/11'. Do they know how many people died in 9/11? Close to 3000 people. How can you possibly be thankful for that? They really disgust me. They are as Christians as much as I am a good-looking white male with abs.
The fact that most of the church members consist of the leader's own family makes it even worst. How can you teach your child such evil and hate? They failed at parenting like no other. Although I want to hit them all in the face, I feel bad for the members that grew up in that family. I can't imagine what it's like to have a childhood filled with hate, is that even considered a childhood? They had absolutely no chance of having a normal life. In the Tyra interview, one of the daughters said they had no friends, because they don't want to be friends with people that aren't in the church. My heart broke.
I am all for free will, do what you want, I don't give a shit. But DO NOT hurt other people. The families of dead soldiers are in enough misery and pain, yet you have the audacity to protest at the funeral saying 'Thank God for dead soldier.' ? How dare you. You will never feel the pain they are going through because you are incapable of feeling anything other than hate. Also, DO NOT shove your ideal down our throats. You live by them doesn't mean I want to. You think I'll burn in hell for it? Let me burn, because I'd rather burn in hell for all eternity then to share a place with you in 'heaven'. I also wouldn't mind sharing hell with all the hot gay guys and lesbian girls and people who accept each other. Sounds good to me.
Although the news puts them in a bad light, and the anchors that interview bash them pretty bad, I think it's best not to give them any attention at all. If you don't give them a platform to preach their hate or protest, they can't convert more people. So please, stop covering their stories.
Seeing all these hate for the LGBT community is really heart-breaking. I don't see why they receive so much hate for being themselves. They are wonderful people who are human, just like straight people. So they like the same gender, that doesn't mean all the gay guys want to hump all the straight guys. Straight guys, don't flatter yourselves, you are not that attractive. Same goes for lesbians. The surge in teen suicide due to hate for LGBT is so depressing. I see all these posts on Tumblr on their pain and how they are thinking about suicide, really makes my cry. I try to help them, send them love, and so far, the ones I try to help have not killed themselves yet. And I just want to say, I love all of you. If you ever think about suicide, EVER, talk to me first. I'm here for all of you who need someone. No matter what time, message me or something. I will cry, no kidding, if I know anyone of you had committed suicide, so know that at least someone cares for you.
I know I am a major bitch in real life, but I DO love all of you. I may not LIKE you, but I will feel sad if i know you are no longer in this world. Watch this video: Click this shit. I was literally in tears by the end of it.
So in conclusion, WBC = Assholes, LGBT = Awesomeness. Straight people who are accepting and don't hate LGBT = My friends. People who ARE homophobic = People who need help.
Labels: human
I personally found this FadedHolySoldier(aka FHS) VS Singaporean saga very amusing. Watch this video. He first talked about Aaron Tan, then side-tracked to Singapore/Singaporeans then to the Singapore Government. When the video backfired he shot back by saying Singaporeans are racist. I’ll admit it, some of us are pretty racist, but hey, he made racist comments too. He put his video up on YouTube, he should deal with the negative comments. I’m not saying that Singaporeans are right, but he is not totally innocent. He may have been 'sarcastic', although I highly doubt it, he has clearly failed. Some of what he said might have been true, but he needs to lay off the stereotyping. The surname thing was mean, but that joke is way old, so it doesn't matter. The way he keeps saying " the majority of Singaporeans are racist " based on the fact that 4000+ people dislike/made rude comments is just plain stupid. The population of Singapore is 5 million. You are telling me 4000+ is the majority? Bitch please. We ARE kind and welcoming, just not to douche-bags like FHS. I still wonder how he ended up talking about Singapore’s government. Our Government may be strict, but at least our country is safe. I wouldn't have to be scared for my life walking home alone at night because I might get mugged, or being drugged and kidnapped because it's illegal to possess and to be trafficking drug in the first place. I may not like this country very much, but I love the fact that no civilians can carry a gun or bullet so I don't have to worry that some dumb ass might start shooting at me.
Too bad he has decided to apologize so soon. No more entertainment for me, I guess. I was kind of hoping XiaXue would comment on it.
And please, people who want to comment/flame/insult/defend on the video, please use proper English. Aaron Tan has embarrassed us Singaporeans enough, don't make it worst by commenting in singlish on a video made by a supposedly 'not a racist' guy who made fun of the very fact that Singaporeans cannot speak/use/write/pronounce English properly. Also, cursing and swearing does not get your point across during an argument, it just makes you look like you have a limited vocabulary. CAPS LOCK IS ALSO NOT APPRECIATED.
Deekosh's response was hilarious. You got to give it to FHS though, has the balls to defend himself in the comment section of deekosh's video response, where almost EVERYONE was hating on him. Or maybe it's just because he wanted attention. But hey, people who put videos on YouTube all want attention. Can't really blame him for that.
In conclusion, I am thankful that whatever happened has happened. I wouldn't want FHS to set foot in Singapore because I don't appreciate his 'humor' and attitude, and if that makes me uptight and boring, fine.
Wow, this post/rant is long.
Sorry, I just had to use this picture. Too funny.
Labels: Aaron tan, FadedHolySoldier
Common test week. Doesn't feel like it though. I pretty much do exactly what I do everyday. YouTube, Tumblr, eat, sleep. The only exception is I will flip through my notes early in the morning before I go to school. I can't believe how lazy I am sometimes.
Mathematics test is over. Next paper is Mechanics. Which is tomorrow. And I am Tumblring and blogging now. Also, I'm meeting HC tomorrow for lunch. Which means I'll not be doing my last minute browsing/flipping-through-my-notes-and-hoping-it'll-help-me-pass ritual. Lady Luck, do not abandon me in my time of need! I was pretty lucky for maths, there wasn't one whole question that I did know a single thing about. So yeah, in the words of one of my art teacher, it's a good start(to start to actually learn and do maths so I won't fail and have to repeat the module)!
I really don't like this course. Can I just switch course?
Excuse me, coffee overload.
ASDFGHJKL I saw this dress on a website KX showed me:
I want this so bad. I know I'll probably not fit in to it/look like a piece of crap in it, I still want it. Maybe it'll be a good motivation for me to exercise. Ok, who am I kidding, I'll probably still laze around. But it MAY motivate me! MAY is good enough for me. Then I saw the price and I was like:
It was 656 SGD, including shipping fee. DAMN IT.
I swear I was going to start crying. I was so happy when I found the dress because I've seen pictures of Taylor Momsen wearing this exact same dress:
UGH. So sexy. Someone send me for liposuction and buy me this dress, please?
I can't believe I wrote an entire post on one dress. I need help.