Saturday, November 26, 2011
Movies I'm looking forward to: - The Avengers - Hunger Games - World War Z For people who doesn't know what World War Z is, it's based on a book by Max Brooks who also wrote 'The Zombie Survival Guide', which I'm going to read/buy/borrow. It's a awesome read. If you haven't read it yet, you should. It's like a series of interview of people who survived the zombie apocalypse, and they tell their side of the story to the interviewer. Sadly, all the three mentioned above are only released next year. So I'll be Tumblring everyday till then to kill time. Who am I kidding, I already do. On a un-related note, KX linked me to this music video : Click here .The girls look barely over 10 years old! It seems like the pop idols nowadays are getting younger and younger. To make their shelf-life longer perhaps? Is it good for the kids though? I mean, look at Lindsay Lohan, she is a hot mess. Also, excuse me for sounding like an old lady, but aren't they too young to wear those kind of clothes? And the clothes they wore look like something a girl my age would wear. Their shorts are SHORT. I remember when I was ten I wore jeans half the time. I mean, I don't mind the fact that they show some skin(Or a lot of skin, BE YOURSELF!), but they don't exactly have anything to show. They barely have any boobs. I think I have the weirdest opinions. Oh well. Tuesday, November 22, 2011 Watched 'Immortals' today. It's not exactly a good movie, but it's not bad either. I mean, bad story plot, yes, but the effects were generally good. It's very pleasing to the eye. I'm not just talking about the effects. Hot girls and hot guys were EVERYWHERE. Please, someone get me Kellan Lutz for Christmas? SO FUCKING HOT. The fight scenes were cool, the story plot don't make too much sense. The sex scene was totally random. The oracle and the lead male met for like a day and they hooked up. I know the chances of them surviving were low, but still. Have some morals, girl. Zeus was a total bias jerk. He killed freaking Ares and spared Athena? Fucking favoritism. Ares was the God of War, he would have been a huge help in the last battle if Zeus wasn't a stuck up, anal bitch. For some reason, the face Poseidon had when he was screaming at Zeus at the end amused me to no end. Kellan Lutz can pull of looking like a crazy bitch while looking like a hot piece of ass. Jealous. That solider character which was a traitor was extremely, completely a utter waste of screen time. It was amusing to see him get his balls crushed though, I was like: " HA! That's what you get for being a jerk/asshole/corward! " In conclusion, watch it for the hot people and fight scene. 3.5/5 stars. 2 stars comes from Kellan Lutz hotness. Friday, November 18, 2011
I need the new Steel Panther album right now. I've been thinking too much lately(as usual) and I'm feeling down and hopeless. I keep thinking, I always tell people I want to migrate to another country(hopefully European) when I can, but realistically, I can't really see that happening. I'm lazy, so it's unlikely I'll get a scholarship to anywhere, let alone another country. I'm not rich, so I can't migrate using my own means. It's really depressing, for me, to know that it's most likely that I'll find a dead end job and grow old and die in this tiny red dot. Don't get me wrong, I love Singapore. It's safe, no natural disasters, low crime rate, and my favorite: No-Guns law. It's just that the people here are so, how do I put this, unlike me. I disagree with a lot of their thinking/judgement/morals/opinions and I respect it, but I don't think I can stand it much longer. Also the fact that none of my favorite band comes here often enough, or at all.
It gets on my nerves how easily I get depressed just by thinking about my future plans. Luckily, I'm good at cheering myself up. Time to cheer myself up! LET'S GET IT GOING!
Starting with Taylor Momsen....
Add a little TPR...
A dash of hot guy, his name is Paul Priluchny if you wanted to know.....
Ending with my imaginary husbands.
There, I'm all cheered up. Damn, I'm good.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I can't even. No, just no. I'm so pissed off now, and it's probably not the best time for me to write a blog post on my feeling like a fucking 9 year old kid, so I'm dedicating this blog post to fan-girling over The Pretty Reckless and Steel Panther.They just make me so happy, no kidding.
The Pretty Reckless. Taylor Momsen is awesome, I love her style and I totally have a lesbian crush on her. Ben Phillips is a damn good guitar player. I love to see Taylor and Mark Damon interact one stage, just because they sort of look good together, like in a brother/sister way? I don't know, I'm weird. I can't comment on Jamie Perkins, because I don't know the first thing to drumming, but he seems nice. My favorite song by them is Zombie. But I love ALL their songs, even the EPs. Favorite picture of them:
Steel Panther. I love them for obvious reasons. I only found out about them only months ago but I'm pretty sure I'll be listening to them until I die. Michael Starr is so hilarious and perverted, it would be awesome to have him as my father. He also reminds me of a big teddy bear. A big perverted teddy bear.
Actually, all of them are so sick in the mind, but I love it. Stix Zadinia is so loveable, I wish I was his little sister. Satchel is so funny and fucking good at guitar, I wish he was my teacher/best friend. Lexxi Foxxx. Don't even get me started on Lexxi foxxx. He is so amazing/adorable/awesome/bitchin/sexy I could cry. Let me use a picture to describe what I feel.
See? I can't even use a gif/picture to describe it, that's how much I love him. I don't care if he is 40++, if I ever meet him, I'll try to get him drunk, drag him to L.A. and marry him. Also, I love the fact that they have a completely bullshit back story, and they commit to it like fuck. They lie about when the band is formed and their age. They keep insisting they are 50+ when they are all 40+ (Satchel is only 40). I know Michael, Stix, Satchel and Lexxi are just stage personalities, but a hope they are just as fun to be around off stage. Maybe they'll be in a different way? Favorite song from them is Turn Off The Lights(at the moment, it keeps changing). Favorite picture of them:
I don't know what Michael and Satchel is holding on to, I'm not sure I want to know either.
There, I feel so much better! Fan-girling is so therapeutic. So is shopping and bitching, but since I'm broke, I am going to have to settle for ranting and fan-girling on my blog. Ok, this is a super long post, I'm going to stop now. Seriously. Like now. NOW. LOLJK. No seriously. For real this time.
Lol ok now.
Monday, November 14, 2011 WHOOO! I'm back to watching a bunch of shows like a crazy motherfucker! List of shows I'm currently watching: 1)Criminal minds 2)Walking Dead (This is AWESOME!) 3)Glee 4)How I Met Your Mother 5)Person Of Interest 6)Improvaganza 7)ANTM(soon) 8)Doctor Who 9)The Office 10)Doll House(Yes, still. I know I'm slow) 11)Supernatural 12)Whose Line Is It Anyway? That all I can remember for now. Not going to get a lot of sleep for this month. This video made my week. Watch it and wait for the last story about this Soldier's wife cheating on him.
<3 He is funny as hell.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Part one
Part two
Tuesday, November 8, 2011 Girl, you never learn from your mistakes, do you? What do you think we were thinking when you make jokes and no one laughs? Usually, I'm laugh even if the jokes are not that funny, but yours doesn't even qualify as a joke. You've stated before that you don't like to be labeled 'fierce', yet you act tough and strong. No one likes it when you do that, so you can stop. Stop giving attitude in class. Like today, what you said in class was totally uncalled for. Why, the guys can't be hard working? They make seem like they don't care about their studies, but I believe that they are mature enough to know what's best for their future. Also, the top three students in our class are guys, what does it say? We are a class, stop picking on each other, we need to love each other. You may be joking, but it comes off as fucking rude. I may not be the one you were insulting, but I feel bad for the boys. Hopefully, you'll change for the better.
On a totally unrelated topic, I want the Steel Panther record and Short Stack DVD so bad......Can someone please get it for me? PLEASE? I'll give you my brother! I went to the official page and tried to order the Short Stack DVD, but apparently it only ships within Australia. OH WOW,
Fuck this shit, I'm buying a unicorn and riding it over to Australia. Or America, I want to see Steel Panther live.....I swear I'm born in the wrong country. Sunday, November 6, 2011 FUCK YES! There is no school on Mondays! But Tuesday is a long day, damnit. I swear I'm eternally unsatisfied. What can I say, I'm a girl, we are never satisfied. Already have 4753956284752865289560 pairs of shoes? Just one more wouldn't hurt! Have 4893475096527856 pieces of clothing? Well, you can't expect me to wear something TWICE?! And not to mention bags, never enough, NEVER! It's pretty obvious that I'm addicted to shopping. Luckily, I'm broke, so I can't really go on a spree. So don't worry if you find me hyperventilating on the floor at a shopping mall, it's just withdrawal symptoms. Or cardiac arrest, either way. Hui Ching mentioned on her blog that she has a addictive personality, and I'm beginning to think that I have it too. No wait, scratch that, I DO have it. Let's see, I'm addicted to chocolates, my favorite band(s), Tumblr, clothes, shoes, bags, shopping, ice cream, actually food in general. If I go for those 12 steps programs I'd probably die before I actually finish all 108 steps. You must be thinking, "it's just 108 steps, you're still young!" Let me tell you this, looking at my lifestyle, which is mainly: ' sleep, eat, tumblr, repeat.' I'd probably live till I'm 45 if I'm lucky. Plus, I'm fat, I can't barely climb a fucking flight of stairs and you want me to finish 108 steps? I think I'll take the cab, thank you very much.
I really know how to get off topic.
From school to addiction, MOE, do something about it.
Thursday, November 3, 2011 I have a lot to rant about today. I was watching Sxephil on YouTube today and he was talking about this video: ' This is disgusting. ' Stop watching it if you find it too disgusting. Basically the video shows Judge William Adams and his wife hitting their daughter with belts just because she downloaded a fucking computer game. I cannot begin to express how disgusted and upset I am over this. He is a Judge, he should he the one upholding the law, not breaking it. Spanking you child on the butt with your hands is one thing, but whipping your child 20 times with a belt is abuse. It is not 'discipline', it's child abuse. The worst is that when asked about this incident he said he had 'done nothing wrong' and ' It was a long time ago... I really don't want to get into this right now because as you can see my life has been made very difficult over this child.' How can you be so horrible to say that? No one give a shit about how 'difficult' you life has become, you are a scum, you deserve so much more 'difficultly'. Do not blame this on your child, you brought this on yourself for being so disgusting. You do not deserve to be call a man when you beat down a 16 year old girl with cerebral palsy with a belt. I hope he goes to jail for the rest of his life. Secondly, I am majorly pissed at all the news on Kim Kardashian's divorce. I don't get how people think it's real. Or how it's real news. She earned money off her wedding. EARNED MONEY. It's so fucked up I can't believe it. First of all, she is not a real celebrity, her claim to fame is a fucking sex tape. Second of all, it's like they don't even bother to make an effort to seem genuine, everything they do just look so posed, so fake. Micheal Buckley says what was on my mind. It is also so unfair that people like her can get married and homosexual people cannot. Marriage is sacred right? That's why uptight, unreasonable bigots protest against gay marriage. Then why don't you protest against her marriage? She did it for the money, not for love. That's destroying the sanctity of marriage too. Gay couples last way longer than her marriage, and regular marriages too. I don't see why we can't let them get married, it's not like it's going to effect us physically or emotionally, unless you let it. I really don't get humans sometimes. Rant over. What I'm feeling now: Seriously, someone fly me over to Jupiter with a unicorn please. But make it habitable first, of course. Tuesday, November 1, 2011 Today, Giri commented on my blog, saying it was boring. First off, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?! MY BLOG IS FILLED WITH HILARIOUS POSTs AND PICTURES AND HUMOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!>:( Haha, just kidding, I'm not angry. But is my blog really boring though? I blog bitchy stuff and my thoughts on certain subjects, isn't that interesting? Personally, I find blogs that only have updates on your everyday life kind of boring( No offence to anyone that does that, I just don't prefer it. :p) But since Giri asked, here's the update: I got my ninth piercing recently. Here's a picture: It's the one at the very top. Don't be freaking judging me, I'm not a delinquent, I can study! Ok, maybe not..... |
![]() SiMin. 23 years old From Singapore. Studying at TUM Loves animals, tv shows, book, music, food and fashion. I'm insane and I love it. Stupid stuff makes me giggle. Steel Panther is forever my favourite. Hiddlestoned. |Twitter| |Facebook| |YouTube| |Instagram| |Victoria Frances (go see her art!)|
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